Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cousin Matt Got Married

October is a fine time for a road trip. So much so that Sarah acquiesced to allow Hannah to venture on her longest road trip to date.

It was an eight hour journey by car to Richmond, VA to see my cousin Matt get married. We're still not sure how he conned the poor girl into agreeing. Maybe it has something to do with his rather scatter-shot resume: Historian working at the Virginia Holocaust Museum and unshaven stand-up comedian. Who knows?

The trip up was quite nice and Hannah did beautifully for the entire weekend. It was great to see so much family in one place. I find I'm somewhat starved for occasions like this since my immediate family scattered to the corners of the country.


The day we got in, we got settled at the hotel and then headed on over to Dean & Mary's house. It has an amazing, well-built and well-lived-in energy and has changed little since I can remember. A new edition this time, though, was the bottomless pitcher of Mimosa. It was a nice touch.  We went over again the morning of the wedding. Carol & Jerry had just arrived, complete with a new smocked dress for Hannah. Thanks, Carol!

Now, there should be a pic of the ceremony here .... but I forgot my camera.  I did remember to bring it to the reception, but I was thwarted in my photographic ventures by a pine nut finding its way into Sarah's mouth 5 minutes after we arrived. Off to the hospital we went, and there she would stay for the next 16 hours. We were all more than a little displeased at the caterer, who had just cleared S to eat. I'm told Carol laid into the caterer for it, too. Thanks again, Carol.

Benadryl and Epinephrine and O2 masks, oh my.

Since there was no place for me to sit, at the hospital and certainly no place for Lil' H to fray around, H and I were on our own. Really, there was nothing for it but to head back to the reception. Total drag to have been only 2/3 there.

The following pics are ripped from Faceschnook.
Dad and Jerry were taking in the scene.

I say again, Hannah was a super-star. No sooner had I gotten back to the party then she was taken from me and passed from one fambly (yes, that's how I spell it) member to the next. Here, Hannah examines her other Uncle Matt while Dean and Anna have a dance party for two in the background.

In honor of Matt S., I didn't shave. In honor of Hannah, I sported a prototype tie. Anna was kind enough not to laugh too hard at either.

Once the party wound down, I headed back to the hospital so H & S could conduct their meal-time ritual. Then it was back to the hotel. That night was the first time they had not been together. H was a very good sport and slept the whole night through.... eventually.

Sarah was released early the next morning. After a little time to recover she felt well enough for us all to head back over to Dean and Mary's for a brunch party. Everyone was there; even this guy who had a really nice gift for Matt and Stephanie-

More soon,

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