Monday, February 28, 2011

No Justice

Perhaps it's a sign of the times. After all, there is much amiss in the world right now:
- The Middle East and North Africa are on fire (again). Qadaffi set his air force on his people?
- The shuttle program is on its last flight.
- Collective Bargaining is on the chopping block.
- Newt Gingrich is still allowed to speak in public.

But perhaps the greatest crime these days is that I've now heard Hannah laugh twice. Sarah hasn't heard either of them. Once was a Ha-Ha witnessed by our friend Erin. The other, prompted by her first round of zrbrts, was a full-on belly laugh. I couldn't believe it. And neither could Sarah when she found out. We've been on the hunt for a laugh ever since.

Fight the power. Laugh often.

Peace in the Middle East.
No, really.
<3 r

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Week in the Life...

Hello friends,

My absence from these annals can best be explained by a mixture of sunny-day procrastination and (groan) my new Facebook account. I can't believe I gave in! Ugh! The last thing I needed was one more thing to do in the day! And really, having to decide who I will be "friends" with and who not. Who needs this super-imposed social pressure? What have I done?

Well, social networks or no, the bebe keeps being stunningly cute and impresses her mother and I more and more each day:
- She can almost roll over, back-to-belly, no less.
- She's "talking," and loudly.
- She keeps managing to put on weight despite the copious amounts of spit-up she lavishes upon her poor, sleep deprived mother. All in a day's work, I suppose.
- Oh, and she's really freakin' cute. I'll show you.

Aunt Sharon passed Hannah her first cup; a beautifully engraved pewter mug! Thanks, Sharon! We promise to actually use it.

What to comment on first- the standing or the outfit? She'll stand (supported, of course) for 30 seconds or so. The outfit is a gift from Aunt Lo. H is almost out of it after only 2 wears.

Sometimes she takes the bottle, sometimes not. Practice, practice!

Really, choose your own caption for this one.

Focusing and grabbing and playing, oh my. Her attention span is growing- Whew!

"Daddy, why are you always pointing that thing at me?"

I had the ceiling fan take this one for me. Can you find Keeper?
More soon. Best to all from a strangely warm February Georgia.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just a thought...

It seems to me that it takes a great deal to be a complete human. Stay with me here... Everything needs to be in the right place and in the right proportion. This said, it seems to me that Hannah is edging ever closer to the ranks of full-fledged human beings. How so? She has eyelashes!
So what, you say? I reply, consider how strange Pink looked after he offed his eyebrows! 

Ignore the Fascism- focus on the eyebrows... or lack thereof.

Some babies come equipped with a full head of hair. Hannah was not one of these. Instead, it's coming on in its own time and I just noticed today: eyelashes. I ask you, can a little girl be complete without them?

Is it possible to care more for her than her mother and I already do?
Tomorrow will tell.

Just a thought.

Monday, February 7, 2011

RSV... Boo!

The interweb says most children get it before they turn two and S and I know a few parents who've already been through this. Still, listening to your child cough and hack for hours makes one realize just how helpless a parent really is sometimes. It is little consolation that our pediatrician says we're doing all that can be done. This is especially true for Sarah who still battles asthma and well remembers going through similar traumas in her childhood. RSV gets three thumbs down! I mean, look at this!

The Nebulizer! Sounds like an action villain, not a breathing aid.

H contemplates the monkeys on her feet. You would too if you had monkeys on your feet.

Sitting? Yes. Bunny on wrist? Yes. Happy? No.