Wednesday, July 6, 2011

At the Beach

S & H & I met up with our friends Jacki and Cash and their son Lachlan at Momma Donna & Grandpa Wayne's house a few weeks back. Donna and Wayne have built a beautiful home for themselves north of Myrtle Beach, SC and were kind enough to open it to us and our friends for a few days. It was a great trip, complete with shopping trips, beach time, and a beach cruiser time trial (for me). Sarah and I hit a milestone though. We got to the house, made sure all was well, and left H with Momma Donna and went to see our first movie since H arrived! Super 8 was good, but the hour and a half of uninterrupted audio-visual diversion was great! Sigh...

We flew (Note: beware the $9 ticket. Hidden fees'll eat you up and the seats will make you envy a sardine! Spirit Air bad). Still, the trip was over relatively quickly. 

"This train is departing. Please hold on."

This is what Momma Donna's house looks like. She has a show-stopper garden just off to the left.

6'8" man included for scale.
 It was a great visit with plenty of time to relax.

Morning on the back deck.

And of course there was the beach.

The now famous "Two Cuties" photo.
 Myrtle Beach is home to copious amounts of the strange stores that sell only beach chairs and hermit crabs and coconut bras and such. It's very bizarre - Grandpa Wayne thinks they're all covers for money laundering operations. How cool would that be?! Cash and I had to investigate.

Going out "for" business?? Hmm.
 And what could possibly be inside Alvin's Island (I'm still stunned they actually managed to use the apostrophe correctly) worth having? Well, besides the towels and taffy and free beach bags, of course.

Visors with fake hair! Yes! Cash's head exploded moments after this picture was taken.   
Ah yes, there  something about a place where land meets water, something elemental that requires... shot glasses?    

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