Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Already? Here's What's Been Going On.

The following is a brief, and incomplete, summary of what has occurred in my extended - and shameful - absence from this hallowed b-log. It encompasses a birthday, a Christmas, a New Year, and a new season full of wonderful food and events. Images will be able to tell most of the tale, though I say again that they will tell only a partial story due simply to the fact that I have not been as snap-happy as I once was by half. Very well,  let's begin.

First, Hannah is making great strides these days - literally. She can scream up and down the sidewalk and through the house behind her walker, and she has begun to take unassisted steps. Last night she walked 5 paces from Mama to Momma Donna.

And her vocabulary is growing. She can now say:
No - No - No
Uh-Oh (either I dropped something or I'm about to)
Aw'ight! This is said in a Kathleen Turner husk as she gives you 5
A'woh! (Hello - complete with wave)
Bah! (Bye - also with a wave but also with an expression of genuine interest in where the person is going)
Ya (Yes - though it is doubtful she knows that she is not saying, "no")
Mamamamama and Dada are still around though there doesn't seem to be thought connected with the sound.

As she has grown the weather has turned. So too, therefore, has what sounds good for dinner. Seen below is a fine spread from local Fresh Air BBQ: pulled pork, Brunswick Stew, beans, slaw, hot and mild sauce, sweet tea, b'nana pudding, and, of course, an 8-pack of Sunbeam buns. Mmmmmm-mmmmm, y'all!

But I do still high-brow it from time to time with my homemade mincemeat pie (no, there's no real meat in there, just magic). This pie was so good Sarah looked at me and said in a tone of surprise, "the pie is good, Hon." I can think of no greater praise.

But I can't take all the credit. I had some help making it.

Historically, the fall has been my time to be in the best possible shape for Cyclocross season. This year I must say that I am a far better father now than I was a year ago but I am a shadow of my former self in terms of athletics. Oh well. I still look wicked tough, though, don't I?

Sarah and Hannah even came to this race with me... all the way to Augusta. I did my best for them and had a great time. The girls took a little break from their pre-ride-home snack to smile at me.

Hannah's been getting into all kinds of things lately and has been amazing me with her new-found manual dexterity. Her fine and gross motor skills are coming along quite nicely. Shapes and sizes, catching and throwing, these are all things that are coming on faster than I had anticipated.  

She can crawl faster than most people can walk.

 And she can climb: into and out of boxes - into and out of chairs - up and down stairs - and almost into the bath tub. No pics of that here but it would be safe to say that bath time is far and away her favorite part of the day. Splashing and crashing and playing with cups and washcloths. She stays until the water turns cold.

This is the box from the (drum roll, please) BIKE SEAT! Yes! Helmet: check. Bike seat: check. Daddy willing to ride a bike: um, check. Hopefully the next installation of this b-log will include our first ride report. 

more soon, prolly.

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