Sunday, March 6, 2011

There is a Season, turn- turn- turn

Friends come...

Two of our dearest friends (well, just the girl, really) brought a new boy into the world this weekend.

Jules William Liddell-Bennett
Born 3/3/11, 10:42 pm
7 pounds, 8 ounces

I envy this child his upbringing. Jules will be well-versed in all things art, literature, and fire trucks and then will be set loose on the streets of Brooklyn under the watchful eye of his elder brother. It will be a fun journey to watch. Congratulations, B & V & L!

And friends go...

Also this weekend, a dear friend from my old stomping grounds gave up the fight and moved on. John Strickland, landscaper extraordinaire and eternal life of the party, died while saving small children, kittens, endangered species, and his grandmother from a burning skyscraper in downtown Cumming. (I really don't think he'd mind having people believe that.)
He will be dearly missed by all who knew him.

John and his daughter Emily.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?


While I'm on the sober side of things I'd like to at least mention the struggle going on in my future profession. Teachers are having a rough time in the Midwest. It's difficult for me to maintain solidarity seeing as how Georgia does not allow Teacher's Unions to even form, much less vote, still I feel that politics on this matter are moving backwards rather than progressing.

Jules will have a voice. I hope he uses it.
John had a voice, and man, did he use it. 
Teachers should have a voice, especially in this day of scrutiny and high-stakes testing. It is critical they use it.

Life is a struggle and a celebration.

Welcome, Jules. We'll miss you, John.

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