Uh Oh
Yes indeed. If an object leaves her hand and heads for the ground, you can be sure an "uh oh" is not far behind... and there is plenty of that going on these days. Hannah accidentally drops a block, "Uh oh." If Hannah looks at you, grabs some food, and drops it off the side of her high chair, "Uh oh." Hannah throws all of her toys out of her crib at night - yes, "Uh oh." The apple doesn't fall far, as they say. I'm told by a reliable source that my first sentence was, "Uh oh, bloke it." It must be genetic.Other words in her ever-expanding lexicon:
"Whoa!" This is uttered in any time of excitement (read: all the time)
"Hewoh" This is said when Hannah is feeling sociable. Sarah still laughs thinking about H's birthday party at cake time. We put her in the high chair and pushed her up to the table to meet her cake. She looked at the massed assemblage around her and piped, "Hewoh!"
It was a hit.
And of course, "No!" complete with shaking head. Her comic timing with this one is something special and had Grandpa Wayne laughing on a regular basis. "Hannah, you want some avocado?" "No." "Hannah, you ready for night night?" "Noooo!" Sometimes she just shakes her head and smiles. Whether she's just having fun or practicing for later years is anyone's guess.
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