Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yay Bikes! My quiver.

Yes, Sarah will roll her eyes when she sees this, but I'm doing it anyway.  I have four (4) complete bikes and each serves a different purpose. Here they are:

First up is my geared Cyclocross bike. If you missed my, "What is cyclocross?" post way-back-when, follow this link.

Contemporary: aluminum frame, carbon fork
As if that's not bad enough, some of us do this on bikes with only one gear. Below is my SSCX (single-speed cyclocross) bike.

Traditional: Steel frame, steel fork, high spoke-count wheels
 I commute on an old Peugot steel frame from the '80s. Again, just one gear- easier to keep the gears clean. Yes, the blue-white-orange color scheme is completely gratuitous, but really - it looks nice, no?

Deep dish rims and a spoke card. Maybe I am a townie!
 But for long rides on the road, I have one of those new-fangled swoopy carbon fibre things. Crazy stiff and stupid light, this thing will go as fast as I make it (my unofficial top speed is somewhere between a dashing squirrel and a Clarke County public vehicle, speeding, trying to hit said squirrel).

Meeting up for a group ride one morning, an octogenarian stopped in his tracks after seeing my bike. I thought he was going to start on the whole, "You cyclists..!!" thing. Instead he just said, "Pretty."
 Still, all good things must come to an end. The Specialized has been good to me but carbon fibre tends not to age gracefully. I'd rather not wait to see how ungracefully this bike will decline. To that end, I present my new frame:

The Raleigh International, new and improved for 2011, complete with "rock out," courtesy of the most over-qualified bike shop employee in town.
After 100+ years of making bicycles, Raleigh has incorporated new alloy technology into their framebuilding in the last few years. It is my hope that this frame will be my road flagship for many years to come. I'll  post a pic once it's built up.

Thanks for indulging me.
More family-centric stuff soon.

1 comment:

  1. It's like you were speaking a foreign language, but I could **feel** the enthusiasm in your writing.
    Love from the Harwells kidz.
    (Yes. The z was on purpose.)
