Thursday, April 21, 2011

No Small Triumph! . . . and other updates

She's In the Crib!!

For any of you with children, I need not tell you 
how wonderful it is to have your child - not only move into the crib - but sleep well. For the past two nights, little Hannah has slept the proverbial sleep of a baby- 8 hours each time. She woke up happy, if ravenous, each time. Daddy's fingers are crossed for continued solid sleep.

For some, it's the flowers, for others, it's the break in the weather. While these are nice, my favorite thing about spring is FRESH BASIL! Here I have three plants in an Earth Box (courtesy of Meg & Tim Campbell). These plants should see me through the season, though I'll have to get more if I hope to make pesto - sans pine nuts, of course.

 The warm weather has freed our winter baby to shed some layers. It has also allowed us to become acquainted with each point of her 75th percentile.
Look at those rolls!

 Last Sunday, the three of us took in a show. Not just any show, either. We braved the five-minute walk over to Canopy Studio and saw their production of Aerial Circus. Outstanding, as always. It was amazing enough to hold the attention our little 5.5 month old for over an hour. Who do you think was among the performers? Yeah, unicycle guy (see Lazy Sunday).

 In other news, Daddy was pleased to no end to find Hannah dressed in some racing bib shorts. She's just 10 years away from winning her first nation cyclocross championship.

As for H, she seems to have found an app niche that has not yet been filled. Get on it, Jobs!

More soon.


  1. Love. Love. Love this girl...and her parents.

  2. She is unbelievably adorable. And congrats on the crib sleeping!

  3. Why, thanky. I'd forgotten what 7 straight hours of sleep feels like. Maybe Momma will get that again someday =P
