Keeper and Hannah get along nicely. See?
Still handsome |
Look who's rolling over! |
In other news, S is teaching H the secrets to typing at three time the speed of sound...
What should my user name be?? |
S is almost done with another semester of teaching at Athens Tech. One more exam to proctor before Spring Break!
I got a job.... not in education.... as a bread broker (?)...
Yep, into the middleman fray, I plunge. Hang the altruism! Baby needs diapers!
And let us not forget, people are still trying to depose the world's longest-ruling dictator.
What to do,
what to do...?
Don't sue me, Banksy. |
Have you ever see "Down By Law," the Jim Jarmusch picture? There's this sublime moment where Roberto Benigni walks up to Tom Waits and speaks some of the only English he knows; "It's a sad and beautiful world." Tom, unsurprisingly drunk, agrees.
How do we reconcile humanity's capability for beauty and brutality?
All bets are off when the kids gotta eat. Congrats on the new job! Can't wait to hear about it.