Sunday, May 29, 2011

Recent haps

 Greetings From Athens!
It was almost 100* here today. When it's that hot, babies don't wear much.

Life keeps plugging along here at the 646. S is busy teaching, I'm busy office managing, and Lil' H is busy doing her thing. What's that, you ask? Check it.

Ah, the folly of youth. Hannah has already started slaying the boys.

 Holding true to our, "Baby will not paralyze my social life" tenet, S & H & I met up with some friends for dinner. We got together at De Palma's Italian Cafe (yes, that place I've worked for almost 6 years now). It was so nice to go in there as a 'guest,' to be seated and served - almost like a normal person.

Speaking of eating, we continue the process of teaching our child to eat like a normal person. It's a slow-going process but the results are encouraging.

Hope & Samuel & Jacki & Lachlan

 This is a pic from Mother's Day. Us 646ers were able to get together with our dear friends and their littl'uns. Hope & Jeff have this awesome "Bouncer thing" that is good for, well, 4 people to hang out in and chill. It was great weather and the bugs hadn't yet rediscovered their blood thirst.
Where's Hannah?

The Lemon Girl

 Ah, yes. We get some great light in the middle of the day. Every now and then I have the presence of mind to further immortalize she who may soon be the most well-documented bebe around.

Letting it air out
 Lil H spends most of her time with certain portions of her being tightly wrapped. So we like to let the bum air dry from time to time. She is irresistibly cute, no? This afternoon yielded a few pics that will make great blackmail material later on.

Full Belly
Hannah has begun mugging for the camera. She's also just a pretty happy baby overall. This is a common scene in the living room: H on Mommy's lap with full belly.

Next time on the 646:
H's first trip to the pool!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One Sweet, One Funny

The Sentinel

Inside that crib is a sorta well protected baby

I had some company as I quietly shooosh - shooosh -shoooshed my daughter to sleep tonight. I'm pretty sure he was just sniffing around for some treats... at first, anyway. He meowed a couple of times, then he hopped up on my lap (I sit in that chair), but then he settled on the floor. Once Hannah's hiccups went away and she drifted off to sleep, I looked to my left and saw my other 'kid,' asleep at my feet. Happiness is...

The Pirate Ship

Mama S and Hannah were swinging on the porch swing yesterday. Sitting on S's lap, H's eyes would light up with excitement on the way back and giggled delightfully as she swung forward and was met by belly tickles from her Papa (No, she still hasn't said 'Papa' yet).  However the same action had a very different effect on S. Saying that she was starting to feel a little queasy from the forward-back motion, she elaborated, "I never was very good on the Pirate ship."
I love that girl.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mama or Papa?

Hannah is experimenting with sounds, especially consonants: Mamamamamama ...... babababababa.... and such. Dadadadada, at this point, may be too great a leap so I'm focusing on Papapapapapapa.
I'm doing my bit to see if I can't be the first one H calls by name but, let's be honest, Mama has done a little more than I to earn that distinction.

Monday, May 9, 2011

She's growing up

Life has been keeping us busy of late. When this is this case, important things like The Blawg go neglected. Let there be no mistake - this blog is here to keep our far-flung friends up to date on our daughter's progress. Without further ado, here's what she's up to these days.

She can focus, she can ponder...

and she is very close to pushing back and crawling.

She spends time at the office

She unwittingly plays with "her brother." H's blanket has some loose ends...

much to Keeper's great delight.

Everyone wins.

And after a long day, she takes a bath before bed.
Life at the 646...
not bad.

Solid Food

I know, right? Already?
Yup, Hannah turned 6 months old last Friday, and as such it's time to begin expanding th'littlun's culinary horizons. We began with bananas. I took a small chunk of b'nana- unimaginably minuscule - mooshed it up and put a barely perceptible amount of pulverized mash on her tiny spoon.  It was too much. But Daddy's a quick learner. We resized the dose and tried again. The first bite was a success. The second bite became a fashion accessory, and the third bite became a game. In the end I had to use 2 spoons so that she could play with one while I tried to feed her with the other.

Incoming bananas via disembodied hand. Hannah seems game.

The prize! Hannah meets spoon, her newest friend.

Next we tried reconstituted rice cereal. MMMMmmmm gooood! Here's how it went.

"More Bananas?"

"Oh. Rice cereal."

I once heard of a French doctor who told a new mother that the first solid food should be Roquefort cheese, "to develop the palette." Perhaps we'll try that next.
